

Starting Over: Dating After the Death of a Significant Other

Whether it’s expected or sudden, losing a partner is always a devastating heartbreak. The finality of the loss of the love of your life, and the idea that you will move forward in the world without them by your side, might be one of the most difficult challenges you will face.If you’ve suffered the death of a significant other, have...[ read more ]

How to Tell Your Partner About Your Past Sexual Abuse

Relationships always start out on a high note. Your mutual attraction combined with your commonalities stirs up your feelings, while finding out about your differences and exploring the world together makes your relationship fresh and exciting. When your relationship starts to become more intimate, you may start to wonder when the right time is for you to open up to...[ read more ]

Are You Married to a Narcissist?

When you met your spouse, did it seem like love at first sight? Was there a familiarity to them and a feeling that you were somehow drawn to them? Soon after you said “I do,” did they begin to change? Were they giving you less attention and making everything about them? Did they show fits of rage or suddenly start...[ read more ]

Let Go and Let God – Faith-Based Therapy for Christians

Can spirituality and religion be used as a therapeutic strategy? More and more mental health professionals are finding that God can offer some of their clients more direction than they can.In the past, many Christians have neglected to get the help they need from a counselor because they were afraid their belief in God would be ignored or, worse, belittled....[ read more ]

How Infidelity Affects Mental Health

No one ever wants to be on the receiving end of romantic betrayal. The emotional pain of discovering that someone you love and trust has been cheating and lying to you can be overwhelming.When you are the victim of massive deception and betrayal, it can leave you feeling sadness, confusion, resentment, and anger. Many victims also feel an increase in...[ read more ]

Normative Male Alexithymia: Let’s Talk About It

There’s an old joke that goes a little something like this:Two women sit next to one another in the park, chatting.The first woman turns to the other and asks, "Does your husband talk to you?"And the other woman replies, "All the time! He asks me what’s for dinner, he asks me if he has clean socks. Once he asked me...[ read more ]

How to Fit Romance Back into Your Scheduled Sex Life

It’s the natural course of things in any romantic relationship: as time passes, the “newness” and “butterflies” gives way to routine. You always know what to expect from your partner, and you’ve heard all their stories. While your love for your partner has grown and matured along with you and your relationship, it’s not uncommon for what was once a...[ read more ]

Getting Your Inner Spark Back: 5 Tips to Loving Yourself Again

We are born knowing that we are infinitely lovable. Babies and toddlers demand love and attention. They ask to be held, they ask for toys and presents and they feel they deserve them. When we’re very young, we simply somehow just “know” that we are amazing and deserve nothing but goodness.But then something happens…We get programmed by kids at school...[ read more ]

When is the Right Time to Try Couple’s Counseling?

For better or worse. Those words seem easy to say at the time, but when worse gets really bad, many couples are ready to throw in the towel. That’s because they didn’t seek help in time and let things get out of hand.The Stigma of CounselingIt can be hard to make the decision to go to couples counseling because it...[ read more ]

4 Essential Relationship Elements of a Lasting Love

When we’re young, we’re taught how to share and play well with others. Somehow as adults, these early lessons don’t always translate into building and maintaining loving relationships.But, it’s never too late to learn new life skills, and creating healthy relationships is one of the best skills you can have. The following are the essential relationship elements of a lasting...[ read more ]


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Chandler, AZ 85225

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